Monday, August 31, 2015

NOTD + polish binge, part 2

The first of half a dozen (or more) glittery manicures to come:
This is 2 light coats of Love Potion 99.9 over Xtreme Wear Purple Potion. I think when I took the picture I was only wearing Glitter Food as a top-coat - everybody including NPB, the maker, says to put another top-coat over Glitter Food, because it's not all that shiny, and that's absolutely true - but actually I liked the not-so-shiny effect. After I took this, I put on a coat of Seche Vite, and then I ended up putting on another coat of Sally Girl Matte. I may put another coat of Glitter Food on and see if that gets me back to the original state (which was somewhere in the middle).

I didn't pick "half a dozen" out of a hat above, here's where that number came from:
Six Lynnderellas, count 'em, six. Plus a Lippmann glitter and a KB shimmer one, and the mini from Initial Lacquer, which I had never even heard of - it was a bonus. So was Fly, next to it, at the bottom and also TWO sets of nail appliques. (I have a picture of one of them, I'll stick it at the bottom. The other one had gone rogue at the time I was taking pictures and I couldn't find it.)

If you want to know, here is the list of everything in the picture. I'll have some posts coming up with swatches and stuff too, but here are just the names for now:
Top row: Very Pretty Vampire, VamPink, Good Girl Gone Bad, Fly mini and Viola mini
Bottom row: Love Potion No.99.9, Blue Rouge, Forget You Not, Excuse Me I Blurpled, and Cauldron Drippings

(I do feel like I should mention that while the three at the top right look very similar in this picture, they are in fact not so much. The Lippmann is a microglitter and the other two have pretty dissimilar glitter mixes.)

I've probably mentioned where the Lynnderellas were coming from before, but Oh Three Oh Four's blog sale is definitely still ongoing as of the time I'm writing this, and there's still a ton of stuff left, so check it out if you're into Lynnderellas (and for that matter, there are some other HTF brands at the bottom, too). I highly recommend the customer service - Dulcie was awesome.

Here's the one nail applique - the other one was a different brand:

(I should have one more minor installment on the binge, and then I'm done. The only thing I haven't gotten is the two items I ordered from Llarowe. But I'm pretty sure I got a shipping notice on it so it'll be along in the next few days, I'm sure.)

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