Monday, April 17, 2017


Here's OPI Goldeneye:
This is #4 on the wheel (as you might guess since nothing else here looks like it at all). This is from the Skyfall collection, and I didn't think it would be easily findable any more, but actually I found it on eBay for something like $8.95 including shipping, which is a perfectly reasonable price, amazingly. And well, I'm really in love. So even though I already have things that are relatively similar (I'll have to hunt around and compare) I can't say I'm at all sorry about buying it.

(Added: I have never had any problems with fakes, but I've heard of such things, and when I buy things from eBay & Amazon I do wonder a bit, especially if they're really good deals. But I compared this bottle with my other OPIs of that vintage, and it looks just the same - it has the batch numbers or whatever those extra numbers are on the bottom label - and the polish looks like the pictures I've seen, so it seems to be legit. I did the same thing with the Nail Junkie bottles I got from Amazon lately, but there were no problems with those either that I could detect.)

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