Thursday, August 22, 2013

Monday mani (posted on Thursday!)

Today's mani: Lillibet's Jubilee. It's got a tendency to be brushstroke-y, which is not surprising given that it's a full-on foil, but other than that I didn't have any problems. It looks completely silver in some lights, but in others the lilac shows up more prominently. It's pretty, either way. (Note that this is technically continuing my purple streak, which goes back to the beginning of last week.)

Sigh. This picture is not flattering to my poor little stumpy fingers!

It occurs to me that I'm pretty sure I never tweeted the link to the last entry, so here is the link, just so you'll click over there. It's pretty short and sweet but it does have a picture!

(Wednesday night)
Well, it's very unusual for me to say, but there just isn't much news on the nail front. I'm still wearing Lillibet, but it's chipping now (although it still looks fine if you don't look too close!) and I'm going to have to put something else on by tomorrow. And I'm getting e-mails to inform me that the Sephora order is going to be here tomorrow, so rather than do an entry for an entry's sake and post now, I may as well wait until tomorrow when I actually have something definite to say. (I do want to give Sephora props before I forget again, though: I ordered on Saturday night and I got a notice on Sunday that my order had shipped. So that means they've got some poor soul, or more likely several of them, packing up orders on the weekend shift.) (Although I work weekends, myself, so I'm not sure why I act like that's the end of the world!)

Hmm, I may need to think ahead about what I put on next, because I have the day off Saturday in order to go to a party Saturday night. I guess if I do my nails tomorrow I can just plan on doing them again during the day on Saturday. (It's a family party so I asked ahead of time for the time off, if you're wondering! I'm not exactly going to a rave or anything...)

I kind of hate to take Lillibet's Jubilee off. It's one of those colors that's so interesting you can just sit and stare at it. Maybe I'll keep on with the purples and do No More Waity, Katie next.

I did stumble across a bit of nail news: Zoya is having a back-to-school BOGO sale, good through (I think) Sunday. Here's the blog announcement. I'm going to try to sit this one out. If I can keep from browsing to look for colors I might want, I'll probably manage it.

(Thursday night)
I took the picture of Lillibet, above, on top of the Sephora box, which arrived mid-afternoon, and I took a bunch more pictures as I unpacked it all - but that's just going to have to wait until later, probably tomorrow. I'm too tired right now. (Sorry for keeping you in suspense!! But it all came, it's all beautiful, and there will be pictures later.)

Lillibet came off nice and cleanly, but I haven't put anything else on yet. I'll let you know tomorrow what that ended up being, as well.

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