Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jade Vestido de Gala + NOPI Guys & Galaxies

You know how I was saying that I had an awful lot of silver glitters, in the last entry? (Actually I believe I said a lot of "silvery silvers" which in retrospect is a rather goofy way to put it, but I think it's clear enough what I meant.) Well, I completely forgot that this month's Ipsy bag had another one - NOPI Guys & Galaxies, which apparently is an Ipsy exclusive. It looks in the bottle like a silvery version of Zoya Monet, with big chunky holo pieces that shimmer various colors. So it's not exactly like the silvers I already have, darnit. (I was half plotting to give it away before I looked at it closer.) There are some pictures on Ipsy's website that users have sent in; this one over purple is cute.

I actually got some decent pictures of Jade Vestido de Gala - the Jade "Special Glitz" polishes have heretofore eluded me as far as getting useable photographs of them.
(Both taken in late-afternoon sunlight in my bedroom, with no flash.) Anyway, if you haven't seen me burble on about these polishes before, they're jelly holos and they're some of my favorites. I have three of them, V.I.P, (orange), Echarpe de Seda (red, and which apparently translates as "silk scarf") and this one, which is darker burgundy-red and translates, near as I can figure out, to "ballgown" or "party dress." (You get these in the US from Llarowe, but they come from Brazil. The bottles are really small but they're only $6, I think, so that's pretty reasonable.)

(FYI: no disclosures required; I paid for everything discussed here.)

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