Saturday, May 23, 2015

NOTD: Nfu Oh 51 over Neeka

Remember how I had on Neeka the last time I was heard from, and it was chipped, and I was griping about that? Well, I patched it up, and slapped a coat of good old Nfu Oh 51 on top of it, and darned if that didn't keep it from chipping for two whole days:
It's actually a nice combination. You can still see that Neeka purple under there, and then the coppery flakiness of #51. There's tipwear just becoming really visible, but it looks pretty good, on the whole. Since that was taken earlier tonight (well, technically yesterday, now), the chipping at the tips seem to have gotten a bit more serious, so I'll definitely have to start over with something else later, but considering how bad it looked in the first place, I call this a win. (I meant to put some topcoat over it, but I never did.)


  1. Flakies can solve a lot of problems. :)

  2. btw, Karen, I suspect you've figured this out one way or the other - or will as soon as you catch up on my posts, anyway - but I tried to post on your comments a couple of days ago to say that your Essies had indeed arrived, and I think Blogspot may have eaten the post. (Or maybe I hit the wrong button. Or not. I'm not sure.)
