Sunday, September 23, 2018

Old Ipsy postcards

Ha, I found this forgotten in draft mode - it's scans of an Ipsy postcard I found on my computer at work:

That one seems to have been from January 2015. I also found a physical postcard in my nail polish stuff that was even older, so I took pictures of that one:
(I always feel like I'm supposed to know who these women are, on these postcards. I suspect it's because I don't spend enough time on Instagram.) I think that this was one of the first months of Ipsy I got which was NOPI Guys & Galaxies, a silver glitter polish, so very apropos to the theme. I do highly approve of the glitter theme in general - here's the back:
I quit Ipsy when Sephora Play started and have never gone back, although occasionally I'm tempted. Now I have quit Sephora Play as well (too many repeats of the same stuff - basically the same reason I quit Ipsy). I've been playing with Boxycharm off & on this year, instead.

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