Friday, September 30, 2016

Bubbly, Hit The Goldmine

This is Butter London Bubbly and Pop-arazzi Hit The Goldmine:
You can see that Bubbly is a very small mini (I think they called this one "nail art size") and it's a very straightforward gold glitter in a clear base. The glitter is sparser and also larger than the other gold glitters I have. Despite the name, Hit The Goldmine doesn't seem to be as straightforward - it has a sort of a tan-colored base and more of a mix of glitter colors, I think - gold and maybe brass or copper? It's hard to sort out. It's more interesting to me, though. I don't think I've worn either of these but I usually get into more of a glitter mood in cooler weather, so hopefully I'll work them in before too long.

Is the brand Pop-arazzi or just Poparazzi? I'm not sure. I think I like it better with the hyphen so maybe I'll go with that for now. Anyway, you can buy these at CVS. The Butter London came from a limited-edition set and I don't think this is available now, but it's really not very unique anyway. If you're in need of a sparse gold glitter for some reason, I'm sure you can find one around. (Although actually glitter seems to be somewhat out of fashion at the moment, still, they're around.)

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