Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Vaclavske Nameste, Winterberry

This is Square Hue Vaclavske Namesti and Sinful Colors Winterberry. I know these polishes don't look particularly purple, here, but in fact they are. I have been calling these "drab purples" and they seem to kind of be a thing, a pretty cool thing, in fact. Winterberry has lots of fans, although apparently not enough of them to keep them from discontinuing the polish (see below for more on that.)
Winterberry is a purple-gray; Vaclavske Namesti is a purple-brown - at least that's my take on it. Here are somebody else's swatches of the Square Hue Prague collection including Vaclavske Namesti where you can see that this is in fact purple. I don't think mine has faded or anything, I think this picture just didn't pick it up - if you've ever tried, you know how difficult purple is to photograph. I might try again at some future time, but for now I'm going with the photographs I have.

All three of the polishes in the Prague collection are rather subdued, but I liked all of them. (Although I have to admit that my favorite is, predictably, the least subdued one: Parizska - gray with glitter. I'll get to that one here eventually.) (If you're wondering what the phrase means on the Square Hue polish, well, I don't have the faintest idea what it actually means but I decided with some of the other collections in this series that the names seemed to be street names. So I'm guessing that that's probably the case here, too.) (added: it's the Czech name for Wenceslas Square, apparently)

Winterberry is apparently no longer a current SC color. A close match might be Duri Grape if it's still available (I didn't check on that). Square Hue polishes are always LE, although I think if they do have any remaining stock you can get it at their website, so it might be worth checking if you like it. Muted colors are not always the most appealing in photographs but these are both actually quite beautiful.

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